Ex-Saker Students Association (ExSSA-UK)

ExSSA UK Regions

An ExSSA region consists of a defined geographical location mandated by the National Executive Council of ExSSA UK. ExSSA UK currently has 5 Regions Subscribing to ExSSA UK allows you to become a member of the region where you live. In order to become a regional member you must first be a registered ExSSA UK national member. In addition to the ExSSA UK constitution which is binding to all members, each Region is governed by its own Rules and Regulations. Regional members benefit from immediate localised support, contribution as per the Regions rules and regulations.

To join a Region please send an email to
executives@exssa-uk.org or contact the region directly

NORTH: President: Dr Playne Agbor Ebai

MIDLANDS: President: Melvis Mangwa

LONDON: President: Edith Fielding Soyombo

SOUTH: President: Jayne Agbor Tabot

MEMBERS AT LARGE: Dr Doreen Mbuagbaw McGough

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